We are pleased and privileged to present this major discovery in partnership with the teams at the Institute of Medical Immunology at the Université libre de Bruxelles.
At our press conference last Friday at the Brussels South Charleroi BioPark, we were able to announce successful pre-clinical results which open up new ways of boosting the immune system of newborn babies, thanks to our proprietary probiotic strain given to mums during pregnancy and breastfeeding!
“The resulting patent (no. WO 2023/209224) relates to the prevention of respiratory infections. Supported by Wallonia’s Win2Wal project, it has been shown that the administration of probiotic bacteria – Lactobacillus rhamnosus Imupronat® – owned by Vésale Pharma, helps to limit the onset of allergic reactions in an individual’s future life.”
To find out more, take a look at the reports:
Telesambre: https: //www.telesambre.be/le-biopark-est-le-theatre-d-une-decouverte-majeure-sur-le-systeme-immunitaire-en-periode-neonatale#
Channel Z/Trends: https: //trends.levif.be/canal-z/un-probiotique-pour-booster-limmunite-des-nouveau-nes/